Nevada is Rock Solid Landscape
Most of Nevada is desert. Northwestern Nevada is at the transition point between the High Sierra conifer and the Great Basin desert range. Different soil types within our region will dictate how fast water is absorbed and evaporates. Protected topsoil allows for deeper water penetration and resists evaporation and even helps with erosion.
Rock Solid Landscape will gladly test your soil and add what is appropriate. This will ensure that the plants will continue to grow healthy and even save on irrigation water usage.
One of the characteristic weather patterns of Northwestern Nevăda is caused by it being on the the eastern slope of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Naturally, this leaves us with diminished rain water. So diminished that rain fall is nearly 1/5th as much as the mid region of the Sierra Nevada mountain range. To keep our landscapes green requires precision irrigation. But even with this, evaporation robs your landscape of precious water. Xeric and efficient landscaping methods becomes necessary.
The entire Sierra Nevada region surprisingly has more native plants, than you might think. There are more native vegetation species found here than is found in all of the United States east of the Mississippi river. While many of these plants are found in the mid-region of the Sierra Nevada region, there are still many to choose from in the eastern region. Simply that means you have many more choices than you likely thought.
If you have lived in our region for any time, you are fully aware of the dangers of a wildfire. The close proximity of Sierra Nevada communities to open areas of wilderness makes it a primary concern when developing a landscaping plan. The island approach for structures where we live, work and play, is vitally important. Defensible space around these structures can mean the difference between total destruction and return after a disaster. Low ground cover along with hardscape immediately around your property can assist with keeping fire at bay.
It’s natural for all vegetation to burn given right conditions. Rock Solid Landscape will assist in choosing plants that are less prone to fire. These plants produce less flammable oils and outgrowth of significantly less-flammable wood and leaves. Selecting vegetation that is below average fire hazard will help diminish the possibility of wildfire causing damage to your property.
Native Plants
A “native” plant is one that has evolved naturally and is indigenous to the region. When plants have adapted to their environment they are much more likely to thrive. Vegetation that acts like an indigenous variety do so by growing well in soils of that region and behave and flourishing in the localized climate with minimal impact upon the land, with minimal intervention, and with minimal work. Native vegetation saves energy, stays put, and provides diversity.
Across Northwestern Nevăda, more and more people are discovering the satisfaction in beauty and the benefits to the environment of landscaping their properties with native plants.
The name derives from the Greek word “xeros – στεγνός”, meaning dry. However, xeriscaped landscaping does not have to be barren and colorless. Xeriscape emphasizes using native and appropriate vegetation. The concept underscores exuberant landscapes with minimal water usage and smart irrigation. Let Rock Solid Landscape design and install your new Xeriscape out-of-doors.
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